• Member Since 17th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2019


Habitual loafer. Occasional storywriter.


If you'd like to get in touch with this humble block of bean curd, you will always find me online on Skype, at:
Email: cbjorklund89@hotmail.com
Username: theivthsurvivor.
Steam: Tofu
Don't worry about bothering me, I don't bite!


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Let's have a little chat. · 1:24am Oct 4th, 2018

I'm honestly not sure how to put this into words since it's such a complicated feeling but I guess I'll give it a shot.

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Report Tofu · 999 views · Story: Fallout: Equestria - Outlaw ·
Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

Hi Tofu, hope you're well. I really just want to hear you're doing well and living life.

While I miss your work, I would rather know that you are fine and continuing to love life.

Wishing you all the best Tofu.

Dude I can wait for months for you release more chapters because your writing is good hell I've waited 8-9 months for one I can wait for a year or more because I know the next chapter is going to be good

Finally a new chapter

I like the story any way it's so hard to find a good story like this. I spend hours and hours trying to find a good story

I died, RIP

I'm still working on it, it's just going slowly.

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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