• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2017


Mwuahahahahahaha I am evil pony! Nah I'm just foolin! Perhaps I'll get around to a real bio at some point.

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Bullying (Personal Testament)/Bareing Of My Soul · 8:43am Mar 1st, 2013

So here I was chilling on a good ole Thursday evening turned Friday morning. I check my FIMFic to see if there's anything new and wouldn't ya know it, there was. In this case it was a blog by Follower entitled Guys, I want to spread awareness. So I open it and read it and watch the video and now here we are. I recommend you take a look as well. Now on to the part wear I bear my very soul.

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Report Demichev · 635 views ·
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No worries. The story appeared again.

817575 I suck. I only just realized you left comments here.

Hmm, I know the admins are rearranging FOE stories here (which I'm hoping is the reason why Justice has disappeared from my profile). I can Google the story and find it here but cannot link to it from my account (it shows me as having 0 stories).
1. Can you find it?
2. If not, am I going to need to repost it?
3. I hope to have 6 ready for editing by the end of the weekend.

Chapter 2 is up, I'll post 3 later today. And begin working on 4, boy did I ever get delayed this past weekend.

The Mare With No Name is up. Reaction seems split but more on the side of negative (as I figured it would be). Let me know when you're done editing the next two chapters.

- KindofBoring

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