• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2020


I am a BIG Rarity fan. I am also one of the biggest Gamers you will ever meet. My favorite MLP FIM episode is a tie between A Friend In Deed and A Dog and Pony Show.

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Update of a dead account. · 3:10am Jan 1st, 2019

It's no big secret that I'm not active on this site anymore, but for whatever reason, I feel compelled to update my blog.

The last two years have been hell. Between me going through a mental break the likes of which I'd never experienced, being forced to sleep out of my car for four months straight through an Ohio Winter, and the death of my Great-Grandmother, the last two years have been hell.

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Report TheCloudtop · 449 views ·
Comments ( 872 )
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Thanks for the watch and you're welcome!

Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

And so I heard you were back. :ajsmug:

... Or rather, I noticed your blog back in mid December and made a note to say hello and promptly forgot. Terribly sorry about that.

In any case, good to see you're back online. You probably won't recognise me right away since I changed my username, but if "TimberWolf65" rings any bells, he typed this up.

So I hope things have been going well for you, and I suppose I'll see you around. :raritywink:

Happy New Years!

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