Oh my god I have beed waiting for so long, but it wont happen join me and hopefully Twilight will cast that rouge spell already that brings us to her and lets us live among them!

Comments ( 78 )
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What's a Rouge spell... I don't remember Twilight casting anything like that...can somepony jog my memory?


380148 Joined the group for a moment to say- whatchu talkin' bout? Science (nor anything else) has or will manage to disprove heaven, hell, purgatory, deities, whether all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream, nor anything else of the sort.

Basically, it goes like this; give a hypothesis, such as "God exists". You run around the Earth, trying to find things that don't make sense to you, "proving" a miracle occoured. a couple millennia ago, that was a lot of shit. Same for modern day as well, but we've improved. They didn't understand tidal forces, tectonic plates, nuclear fusion in Sol, the idea that atoms exist, chemistry as we know it, biology as we know it, and certainly not personal hygiene as we know it.

Now, with our better understanding and technology, we can explain away the hypocritical crap the Bible (mistranslated and misinterpreted as is very certainly is after the centuries) spews at us with things that make much more consistent, logical sense. There's a reason the scientific method is very strict about having lots of data to use. Any singular, repeatable event is completely useless as absolute objective evidence.

Main point is thus: Standing from a raw logical perspective, you can't actually disprove something. Merely provide a better, different theory. 100% proof positive therefore doesn't exist either, by the same token. So, when we die, we might get all plopped into our own personal Equestria, complete with waifu of choice and infinite pancakes, or perhaps dropped into the middle of the, I dunno, Half-Life universe, and you are 'ported directly into the firing line of some soldiers and you die instantly, and that just happens forever. Could be cool, could suck, could be nothing, If its the last one, nothing to worry about. I'd hope for a mix of the first two.

Generally, the rules/logic/whatever above isn't used strictly (even where it arguably ought to be) because humans are humans - emotional, chemical, impulsive, instinctual, evolved, phrase it how you like.
Long post is long. If anybody wishes to chat, kindly PM me. I will ignore blatant drama fuel; I'm not after a religious debate. Thanks. Sorry for any potential miscommunications, misunderstandings, and the like. Typos too. There's totally one in there somewhere, I know it. :twilightsheepish:

Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015
Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015

381702 yay!!! Thank wu brudder!!!:heart::pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015
Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015
Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015
Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015
Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015
Comment posted by _wkponyllic_ deleted Jun 16th, 2015

365179 Science may disprove heaven, but who says you have to die to go to Equestria? (limiting what I say so as to not spark a flamewar)

Fun fact: when we die, we are transported to the Omniversal nexus. just go to the pony world :P Oh, and suicide lands you in limbo, so don't rush death. :pinkiecrazy:

Well, Equestria's only a trip through the Multiverse away, so look forward to the journey in the near future.

I have no idea what I would do first If I was in equestria. But I know it would be awesome! Because it's not IRL.

If I had known this page existed, I would have signed up in 2009.

367712 good glad to hear it anything is possible

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