• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2016

Arbiter Balemead


HOLY SH** · 12:00am Feb 20th, 2013

Guys! Guys! I'm not being writer's blocked anymore!
No, I'm serious. I am working on 'Oh...' RIGHT NOW. No, I don't know why; all I know is that I got on here to check for new messages or something and found a comment on that story literally consisting of "Author pls, more pls", posted by TheCubanBrony, and I was like 'You know what? I'll give it a go." So I scratched what I had for the next chapter of Oh... and am starting it over. It's going well, too.
Excited? YOU BET I AM!

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I await your return!

Well, I wouldn't be a pony, per se. I'd be a changeling.

DESCRIPTION(since I'm so bad at drawing a baby could place higer than me in a contest):
Name: Moonfire
Most Common Disguise: A grey unicorn colt with a two tone grey mane and light blue eyes(think Fluttershy).

And then there's me.

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