• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2016

Arbiter Balemead


It's a coincidence, right? I-I was just talking. J-just wishing. Wishing n-never worked. B-but here she is, and here I am. Oh I hope she doesn't hate me when I...ask her.

That star. I wish for somepony like me; you know, not that social, and I end up in this town. Crazy ponies, crazy friends, crazy...everything. Including ME!...Except... there's her...I guess the star DID grant my wish....

This is gonna be fun.... I decided on doing a ship-fic but I got this funny idea in my head to do a first person fic from two perspectives switching between the two mane characters. And lemme think...
1. I'm thinking of this as I write so I don't know what happens before I write it in...sorta.
2. Please comment, rate, and fav if it's worth it to you.
3. Give honest opinion please.
4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shall represent a P.O.V. change.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 87 )

I like it. Looking forward to your next update. Have a thumbs up, and a track.

Kind of surprised no one made the connection as to who she was describing...or that the one mare Fluttershy was describing was conveniently absent... :trixieshiftright:

Interesting start at least, didn't notice any mistakes.

Tracked and I'll see where it goes.:yay:

Have they not met Twilight yet?

Hmm...this has the potential to be a delightful story, so naturally I'll have to keep an eye on it. (Points to you for submitting a Twilight X Fluttershy story...there aren't nearly enough)

"Oh that was a lovely spa date, Fluttershy, and by the way, I know your a fillyfooler."
It should be you're, not your. Sorry, I know I'm nitpicking a bit here but I just hate it when people mix that up. Anyways, good story so far, it shows potential.

914717 *notes the fact the title of the chapter has Flashback in brackets*

and I am looking forward to the next chapter :twilightsmile::heart::yay:
certainly not enough TwiShy


Oh this looks like it'll be goooood *pulls up a chair* :ajsmug:

Ah I had assumed there would be some confusion
To those of you who were confused: The my plan was for the first two chapters to be the events of (and leading up to) the nightmare moon fiasco at beginning of show but told from Fluttershy's and Twilight's perspectives so...
914717 no not yet

917149 I figured as much. I just asked in case I missed something. I look forward to the next chapter

Insta fave!
1st person isn't really something I like much but that's just me. I think you pulled it off rather well. So yeah. I'm keeping my eye on this.

This is clearly taking place before Summer Sun Celebration when Nightmare Moon returned. Thus why Celestia was checking up on Twilight's studies in person without Twilight freaking out about it.


I feel like I noticed that while reading but by the time it came to comment it totally slipped my brain, haha. Thanks for clarifying

And everything between this and chapter three is history as told by cannon. enjoy

but it was an embarrassing book to be caught reading when your...me.
So what your saying is

These should be you're

929980 sometimes i hate myself please excuse this little mistake i think its safe to say there will be one like it in each chapter

damn i was confused reading this because i didn't really notice that the first chapter was before the Summer Sun Celebration (i wondered that nopony noticed that Shy was describing Twilight, but didn't think much of it), but going back to chapter 1 (after reading this) opened my eyes.

934924 and now chapter three is taking place now, not in a flash back so try not to forget that
that goes for all my readers

what the fuck...

this is an integration between fluttershy's wish and the premiere, which explains some of the premise of fluttershy's shyness? :duck:


947575 Im assuming by all the smiles that this is a positive comment, but i dont understand what your saying.

Are you sure your not-
Your just so... adorable. you're

947675 sorry about that I promise to try harder next chapter but these chapters are long and there is no grammar check on here unlike on microsoft office word like im used to
Oh and correcting my grammar wont cause me to go back and check it btw ill just apologize and move on

A "Present"? For me? "Here" and Now"? Why thank you.
Anyways, I was starting to get confused on who was speaking around the end with all the switching back and forth it was crazy. Phew~

948559 Yeah I tried to make it obvious but im quite aware that its a little hard to understand
but, hey, what's a good book/story without some brain exercise?

yay! flop.....

hehe lovely story so far. keep it up

958963 'adorkable' i've never been so happy to have myself or something i own be insulted...or is that not an insult? idk
thanks to all positive commenters btw you guys build my low self esteem

YEAH for oblivious-ness! :yay:

A really cool chapter. I was confused at first, but I caught on, yes I am really slow, when Fluttershy described Twilight and none of the other girls said anything.

Gonna check out the next chapter.

Definitely not an insult.

Okay, So I just finished my other story I was doing called "The Dishonest Truth", and I'm planning to start another story, but I don't know what I wanna write. Whatever shall I do?:trixieshiftright: Oh, I know! You guys can help me decide by reading my blog "Idea List" and commenting. Please do that and, if you want to, read "The Dishonest Truth" while your at it. I really enjoyed it, and would love to get some more like to offset those 2 dislikes...or some dislikes to tell me that it was a horrible story, but that would crush my dreams.
In any case please read and comment on that blog!

959800 Or you could write this and never give us an ending so it goes on forever.

965850 eh heh...uhm yeah... that's not gonna happen. sorry but i must move on eventually
not that im not loving the hay outta this thing but i have far too many ideas not to start something new
besides, what will i do when skyrim and writing this just arent appealing to me? sit there like a twig? no i must start something new soon

That was a very detailed 'No' :twilightsmile:

965983 pretty much
feel free to vote on that blog bro

967110 you liked that huh?
Im probably gonna throw a reference in every once in a while in my fics until i fianlly do some doctor shenanigans

It's a pretty good chapter, but the end let me a little uneasy.
I eager to read the next one (I'm not pressing you).

Magic does not equal social grace. That is all.

They ate at The Hungry Horse? That doesn't sound fancy at all!

968609 it does in french and i wondered if anyone would check that
good work

"Mah plan was ta spank you an see if she got jealous":ajsmug:
"So Twilight wants to...spank me?":fluttershysad:

970012hey! id get jealous if someone so much as squeezed my girl to hard

I just found it funny that applejack went to such drastic measures.

970036 truth be told i wrote down the spank then went and played skyrim for an hour came back and the jealousy thing just sorta occurred to me. wasnt really planned

alright last chance to vote ill wait hour before I tally it up starting at 6:10 (where i live)
heres a link to the blog
also, yay i finished the story and still no downvotes. thats a personnal acheivement right there
in any case im gonna miss working on this one too but it certainly was fun while it lasted hope you guys enjoyed
cant wait to start my personnal choice and the one you guys vote for
oh yeah i decided that ill start two stories at once so we'll see what we end up with

I started reading this yesterday, and it's already over! :fluttercry: I LOVED IT!

972647 im sorry
im starting a new story REALLY soon though
go read the dishonest truth in the menatime (i-if you want. if thats okay or if you havent already

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