• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 14th, 2018



The Return of Wumz..? · 4:22am Jan 2nd, 2013

Well, it's been a couple months break, and quite frankly, I'm bored. Of everything.

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Report Wumz · 473 views ·

My Stories

A Little about me

Hey there everyone, my name's Wumz, but you probably already knew that. I'm an avid reader, part time editor/prereader, a one-time writer, and apparently a respected member of this community, so I've been told. To this day, I don't know what I did to earn this respect, but I'll gladly return it. Below is a little bit about me. Enjoy.

Best Pony: Luna, of course.
Location: Canada
Occupations:Reading, Writing, Drawing
Experience Writing: 6-7 Years
Current Occupation/Career: College

I get writers block. A lot. Updates and new stories are random.
The only story I ever wrote is two year old crap I wrote in an hour. Please don't read it.

About me:
-My name comes from when my little bro was 3, he used to say 'Wumz' instead of 'yum'. I for one thought it was hilarious.

- I used to be TheLightningStrike, but I then changed my name. You may know me from that.

- I started taking advanced writing classes at 10, and stopped at 14. From then on, I've been writing stories.

- I edit stories for certain people here on FiMFiction.

Comments ( 29 )
  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29

Been a long time my old friend.

Thanks for the fav on Dragon Kings Rebirth. I'd love to know what you thought of it.

I appreciate the fave on "GOAL!". Glad you liked it! :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the fave on Stranded

Thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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The Soul's Wings: 30% Complete

Almost Night - Chapter 1: 15% Complete

Genius - Chapter 1: 35% Complete

*All stories have been discontinued, probably forever, because writing is bloody hard.