• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen June 20th


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“I’ve found the person I’m suppose to be with.” · 8:41pm June 7th

That’s what she said to me.

21 years together.

14 years married.

2 kids.

A dog and cat.

A house.

Stood by her when she has cancer, we made a life together.

But nope. None of that mattered. None of that was worth fixing or trying to save. Just ‘I’m with him now, let’s be friends.’

This is legit what happened to me in February of this year. Worst pain, worst year of my life.

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Report Sipioc · 167 views ·
Comments ( 226 )
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Love the art i see here occationaly on Fimfiction from you... Whats you'r price lists?
I could need a story cover...

Thank you for the watch! :D

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!

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