Cutie Mark Crusaders 1,774 members · 4,601 stories

This group is for fanfics involving any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders as a main character.

Group Promotions:
Fan groups for all four crusaders:
Sweetie Belle
Apple Bloom
Babs Seed

Cheerilee Is Best Pony - Because she's the best teacher ever.
The CMC Clubhouse - Where we hang out when planning our crusades.
Cuteness Overload - A group for all your adorable filly needs.
House of D'Aww - A group for all other things adorable.
Heartwarming - A group for stories that give you a warm, fuzzy feeling, much like Scootaloo. Hey!


• arcum42
• hawthornbunny
• SweetAI Belle

Contributors (Subject to Change):
• Mayhem Darkshadow
• maskedferret
• Garbo802
• ANGRY_RainbowDash
• JMac
• bookplayer
• nygiants93
• Bookish Delight
• SilentBelle
• iJab

Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 56 - 75 of 75

Yo guys! It's Big E here! Hey I don't know if you heard but im making a cool series with the Crusaders! It's with a popular band for kids: The Wiggles!! It's the original Wiggles: Murray, Jeff, Anthony and Greg in case you forget. Sometime November im gonna make them in the Wiggly Big Show!! If you guys wanna read what I have so far then feel free to do so! The Crusaders are gonna have a wiggly good time! :scootangel: :applecry: :unsuresweetie:

Hello everypony! I was wondering if somebody could help me find a specific story that i've been searching for, for quite a few years now. I've searched quite a bit and could not for the life of me find it.

Basically it's about Sweetie Belle recounting the various parts in her life all the way until the end, She became a famous singer and treated her family kinda badly (which she regrets) and made some mistakes. Just before her passing, Sweetie Belle hitched a ride to ponyville to try and earn forgiveness from the ones that were still alive and kicking (which were very few)

Since the other cutie mark crusaders had passed away, Sweetie was left pretty much all alone, it's been many years since I have read the story so I don't remember much from it. But from what I can remember, it is a real emotional story and it's one that I would love reading again.

Sweetie belle dies in the end with closed eyes and a smile singing out "Cutie mark crusaders yay!" and she can hear and see her crusader friends yelling that out excitedly as she took her final breath in the one place that it all started for the trio of good friends.... in the clubhouse.

If anypony could send me the title of the story (if it's still out there) then I would greatly appreciate that! It would mean quite a lot to me considering I've really wanted to read that again for several years now (about 4 or more to be exact).

I'm not expecting a response anytime soon but hopefully one of you could help me out? Thanks and have a lovely day! :scootangel:

Just joined this group and wanted to say hi so

Hello everyone! I just joined your group and thought it would be polite to say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Could some of you perhaps help me with a question? See, I used to be a bit of a loner when it comes to writing and only recently decided to find out what the groups on FIMFiction have to offer. So… what usually happens in a group like this? I understand you can add stories to folders that correspond with the kind of story you have made. Can I do that right now or must I ask for permission? Should I announce my stories as well? Do you have any tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this group? I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance! :twilightsmile:

Lots of love, :heart:


Hi guys! I'm new, :twilightsmile:
Just saying this, who is ur favourite crusader? My favourite is hard to pick, I love how scoot is so daring and wants to imagine rainbow as her sister. Sweetie belle is plain adorable, and apple bloom is trying to prove she's like everyone else.(plus the accent rules!) :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, me and my friend SweetieBelleluvsu, are writing a crusader story, but we really need some cover art! I was wondering if there Is any artists in this group that can draw this : all four crusaders (including Babs ) but grown up, with their cutie marks. They have to be full grown mares, and it have to say "CMC All Grown Up" on the picture. We would like it if it wasn't on paper, but anything will be accepted. Anypony up for the challenge?

I am looking a editor for a fic of the CMC in a Hearth’s warming eve dinner. interested PM me.

Made a decent parody of S. E. Hinton's "The Outsiders" that features all 3 of the CMC. I feel it needs a bit more popularity.

I'm almost done Writing the first part of One Way Ticket to a Dead End. It's about the CMC crashing the friendship express. Anyone want to preread it? Scootaloo goes crazed with the need for speed. :scootangel:

I'm writing a story that focuses on Applejack, her past, and her relationship with her sister. Also, Apple Bloom fights with her two friends. It's a great read, check it out here!

Just a question: are the 4 official members the only CMC? What about other blank flanks, like Rumble or Pip?

Hiya, new to da group but I have a good story for ya! I will let u know when it's out :scootangel:

Hi everybody. Thought I join this group since I'm writing a CMC focus story as well. Feed back would be nice. Armor fillies.

Do stories here have to be about all three kids, or can it be just one?

A new chapter is posted for my CMC Manehattan story!

The Crusaders - A Shadow Over Manehattan

Please leave a comment if you like it!

Hi I'm a new filly on here :ajsmug: :derpytongue2: :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh: :raritystarry: :twilightsheepish: :twistnerd:

  • Viewing 56 - 75 of 75