• Member Since 21st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Hello there this is Mark the wolf pony. I finally gonna start writing fan fiction.

Hello there this is Mark a.k.a the wolfpony

Hello there everybody this is Mark A.K.A the wolf pony finally deciding to write a fan fic since I tend to write original fiction to be honest.

Likes: Pizza, Anime, Cartoons(Ones that are written well), Manga, Reading, Socializing, Video games. Writing

Dislikes: Twilight(Book and movie series), Rap(90% of it) Mainstream(Because most of time it sucks), Talking down on kids, People who thinks they are better, Moe.

Check me out on youtube as I make video review and other content.



Important Update. · 7:14pm Nov 26th, 2017

Hi everyone this is Mark here and I want to say that I'm sorry for not updating a while on blogs as I am working full time on weekends now and have been using my spare time to write chapters and make video's. Many of you might be asking when the next dangonrompa chapter will be out? I say maybe next year as I have started shifting focus on armor fillies which I want to do more for the lore and plan single shot stories for the expanded universe. Yes I'm going there as its honestly my most proud

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Stories that I'm proud of making the most and set me on FimFiction.

Comments ( 43 )
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Thanks for the read later!

2172203 No problem. I like anything that can give a good laugh

Thank you so much for favoriting one of my stories! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding 7 X 13 = 28, DUH! to your library too! :twilightsmile:

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Wolfs are awesome!