• Member Since 18th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2023


I am PastelProse. I love to write and keep my audience guessing. "You create your own stage. The audience it waiting." My stage happens to be paper. The act expressed in words.


Super Long Hiatus · 9:13pm Jul 22nd, 2016

So for those of you that do not follow me on youtube, basically long story short i got kicked outta my house and now i am currently living with my mother and step father in a whole nother state. I am currently working on getting on my feet with a new job and soon i will have wifi. However school is coming back around the corner and with the stress of having to buy a car soon and being an adult and what not chapters may or may not be released. I apologize to my readers who were expecting. I will

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Report PastelProse · 366 views · Story: Element of Acceptance ·

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Hey everyone, so long time no chat. I have had people ask if I will finish element of acceptance. Honestly I’m not too sure. I’m moving beyond pony but I would hate to not have you guys know how it ends so... maybe. But I have moved into writing novels that aren’t pony based and I would love some support from you if possible. Here’s the link.


Are you going to finish the element of acceptance?

Comment posted by TheMadPlushie deleted Mar 3rd, 2017

PastelProse when you are online again please send me a message

2037811 I apologize nonetheless. But lesbian or not, I'll still treat you as a person as is the right thing to do.

I'm a guy. And single. :)

I hope we can share these pleasantries again soon, PastelProse. Continue your work. It's damn fine stuff, missy! :D

Oh, and your friend down below is right. Your avatar picture is pretty nice.

May the warmth of the sun welcome your every morning. (bows politely and shuffles off)

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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