• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago

Lunar Eclipsed

One should never fear the night for one need simply look up to see the light

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My Favorite Song · 7:28pm Jul 6th, 2016

Just thought id let you guys that do follow me know just a little bit about my likes and dislikes starting with my fav song ever

With that I invite you to ask me about myself though beware I may not answer

Report Lunar Eclipsed · 446 views ·

About Me

Oh where to begin ah i know.....

Im not the best writer while i might get good ideas i find it hard to put those ideas done on paper or computer. Most of my ideas I've had come in the form of RPs, Which if im being honest tend to skew massively from my idea very quickly and i have to pull it back in line heheh.

