• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Pinkies Imagination

Reloading the Story Canon.


So, A Long Way From Home... · 7:46am June 25th

Yes, I'm finally adressing it.

I want, as badly as many of you, for this story to eventually be finished. However, unlike my newer stories, I was very unhappy with the quality of this fic in the beginning. It was very unapproachable for new readers due to the sloppy start and weird transition in the middle area.

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Mood: Finally feel like I have time to myself to write again.

Info Updated: 29/06/2021

Also in case any of you want to add me on steam send me a PM and I'll give you a link!


My goals on this channel

Get 100 likes on a story [X]
> 300 [X]
>> 400 [X]
>>> 500 [X]
>>>> 600 [ ]

Have someone do a reading of one of my stories on youtube []

Get 100 followers [X]
> 200 [X]
>> 300 [X]
>>> 400 [X]
>>>> 500 [ ]

Get a story into the good HiE List [X]

Get into the featured stories list once [X]
> Twice [X]
>> Three times [X]
>>> Five times [X]
>>>> Ten times [X]
>>>>> I've stopped making this a goal after a while...

Have someone comment something one one of my stories that makes my week [X]

Have someone make art for my stories [X]

Have me (or my OC) show up in a fan made project... anything [X]

Get 1000 unique views on a single story [X]
> 2000 [X]
>> 3000 [X]
>>> 4000 [X]
>>>> 5000 [X]
>>>>> 6000 [X]
>>>>>>7000 [ ]

Get 5000 total views on a story [X]
> 8000 [X]
>> 10,000 [X]
>>> 15,000 [X]
>>>> 20,000 [X]
>>>>> 25,000 [X]
>>>>>> 50,000 [X]
>>>>>>> 75,000 [X]
>>>>>>>> 100,000 [X]
>>>>>>>>> 125,000 [ ]

Think of more goals [ ]

Comments ( 325 )
  • Viewing 321 - 325 of 325

I'm Tape Deck by the way.

I'm just a weirdo who does that to his profile sometimes.

Well thanks, its nice to be seen I spose' :rainbowderp:

Heck, I'll follow you if I keep seeing you around this much.

Comment posted by FluttershyRocks deleted June 3rd
  • Viewing 321 - 325 of 325
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