• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago

Lucky Seven

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About Me

Hey everyone!

Name's Andrew, I'm a 30 year old guy living in Florida. I've been around here since 2012 and it's been a great time. Roseluck is best pony, Starlight is the best main character, you know the drill.

I like writing stuff that makes people sad, easily my favorite genre, but romance and comedy are fun, too!

Anyways, if you ever wanna chat, just drop a comment or add me on Discord!

Discord: luckyseven

My Collabs

Comments ( 1318 )
  • Viewing 1,309 - 1,318 of 1,318

Okay, so I'm not just unobservant.


I follow three music blogs that some of my followers started (benjovi2004, Okie Brony, and just yesterday RainbowDash2012), as well as the original one that gave me the idea. (Vertigo22, love that man.)

I also have your playlist to get through.

I mean, do it, that's awesome, but I may just lose my frickin' mind.

Added it recently, actually!

I've been thinking of weekly music blogs tbh


Has this...been there for a while?

I just noticed it.:rainbowlaugh:

Love it.

I also have more blogs than you now, but I have my daily music recommendations, so it's wasn't really that hard to do.:derpytongue2:

Thanks. Maybe I'll actually read it now.

EPetals Of The Infinite Rose
It is a beautiful day to be Roseluck
axxuy · 1000 words  ·  10  0 · 133 views

Have not read this yet, but thought you'd be interested.

Belated thanks for the follow! :yay:

Me too, on both fronts.

I do hope they join, I love making new friends :),

  • Viewing 1,309 - 1,318 of 1,318
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