• Member Since 11th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Gay For Gadot

Just a lesbian with a laptop.

A Summation Of Scampy And Gadot's Relationship

Comments ( 147 )
  • Viewing 143 - 147 of 147


You're welcome, and thank you too! It was great meeting you at EFNW. Thanks again for the shirts as well, they're super comfy!

Thanks for the follow! Have one back :heart:

Thank you for the watch!:twilightsmile:


It was great meeting you too! I showed Scampy this comment and it made her happy. :twilightsmile: Hope to see you next year!

It was great meeting you at EFNW, was just telling the hubby about it all. Kinda reminded me of when he and I were younger :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 143 - 147 of 147
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