• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th


Crackshipper par excellence | Find me on twitter @Calchexxis

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I'm done for a while · 2:53pm May 5th, 2021

Yesterday I made a blog and, to put it lightly, it took less than six hours for it to turn into an absolute shitshow. That blog was specifically to air the fact that I was feeling a personal crisis of conscience and was largely mocked for it where the blog's comment section didn't just dissolve into a batshit fucking loco mess of luchadores on ketamine baiting trolls and then getting run over by them only to stand up like--

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Wait the Rulesverse is gone? Why?

Hello there!

I'm not a frequent visitor to this site (as demonstrated by the fact that I've never made an account here till now.) Re-reading your stories are probably what draws me back most often, really. So I was rather sad to see that what I'd have to say is my favorite of your series, certainly the one I've read the most, the 'Rules' series, was gone! I really enjoyed those stories, particularly 'Rules of Etiquette.' All the pairings were unique and well written, but something about Adagio and Octavia just clicked for me so much. The way you wove their personalities together through their shared troubles was just so delightful to me.

The whole series was always a joy to read though...the parts that had sex scenes were very well done, and really served to underscore the passion in the relationships between Aria and Sunset and Adagio and Octavia. And everything with Twilight and Sonata was so cute and so heartfelt! Though Adagio and Octavia are my favorite pairing within the story, the chapter of 'Guidelines' where Twilight confronts and then reconciles with Cadence with Sonata's help is definitely my favorite part of that anthology. (And a sidenote...I'd never really considered Cadence's culpability in the whole mess with Cinch before then, but in retrospect it really is pretty messed up!)

At any rate, it's certainly none of my business why you chose to take the story down, but I did want you to know how much I enjoyed it, and that I will be rather sad that I won't have a chance to read it again. Still, thanks for sharing it!

So i recently reread both featherfall and dead by sunset and i decided to drop by and say hi.

You're talent for writing really is incredible and i hope that one day i can write half as well as you can.
I have checked out your work on other sites but for now most of the fandoms they are from just aren't my thing.
I do hope you're doing well and i patiently await the day you return, of your own volition of course, not because a random stranger asks it of you.

Do take care!


P.s: unrelated but writing thisnmade me realise something that often goes overlooked in life, and thats the affect we all have on each other's lives.

This is a world where i, a lowly british dude only a few months shy of turning 20 and about to ship off to university. Can be so influenced and moved by your work that i took the time to comment and wish you well. Seriously. I was so influenced by dead by sunset that i whenever i load into the nurses realm on dead by daylight i always mutter "do not go to crotus penn" under my breath.

Its a bit of a ramble but it shows how much affect we all have on each others lives and i just think thats really an amazing thing.

Cheers again!

"I don’t blame you in the slightest. Your impressions are pretty much spot on, and this is definitely one of the darkest things I’ve ever committed to a page."
"If you never read this latest story of mine, trust me when I say I will understand completely and not take it personally, lol."
Ah, thanks. :)
Well, I think I'll at least shift it to a lower-priority list, then, and stop worrying about trying to get to it soon.

"Things are going good for me"
Ah, glad to hear it! I hope they keep going that way in these uncertain times.

"and I appreciate you dropping in to say hi."
Heh, thanks, and I'm glad I did, then. I'm... not really all that good at keeping up with people if not prodded, really, but fortunately, your new story served as a bit of prodding. :D

I don’t blame you in the slightest. Your impressions are pretty much spot on, and this is definitely one of the darkest things I’ve ever committed to a page. Things are going good for me, and I appreciate you dropping in to say hi. If you never read this latest story of mine, trust me when I say I will understand completely and not take it personally, lol.

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