Uncommon Dazzling Ships 276 members · 448 stories

We love the Dazzlings! We love reading and writing about them very much! Sunset Shimmer loves them too - Adagio, at least - but everyone knows that. And we're all aware that Aria and Sonata love each other. And of course Pinkie Pie is very fond of Sonata, too. But who else loves the three sirens? This is the group to join if you want to find out!

Maybe Aria plays knight protector to a vulnerable Fluttershy? Perhaps Sonata is part of a comedy double act with Applejack as the straightpony? What if Adagio, Rarity and Octavia fell in love with each other's beautiful voices and set out to bring more elegance to CHS? Or how about bringing the side or background characters into it more, and having Aria go adventuring with Daring Do, or Sonata try to seduce Principal Celestia?

Uncommon Dazzling Ships - if there's a story shipping the sirens, and it isn't SunDagio, SonAria or SonPie, then this is the place for it.

Feel free to jump in on the discussion in the forums, even if it's for ships we haven't discussed in years - we're trying to keep this group active in its discussion, so your input is always welcomed :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 9 )
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Comment posted by BlackCarRidesServices deleted February 22nd

Do you know of any adagio or sonata x oc stories? I have a soft spot for em

439495 Hi, no worries, the folder is there but you probably have to know where to look.

It's in Background Characters, along with ponies like Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Vinyl, Bulk Biceps - all the ones who we rarely hear speak, who were quite frequently named first by fans rather than official sources. Whereas ponies like Fleetfoot, or Sassy Saddles, we hear speak from the start, so they're in Side Characters.

I've just added your story in there :twilightsmile:

Hi! I did a story (friend)shipping Sonata and Octavia, and it seems to be so uncommon a ship that your group doesn't have a folder to fit it?

"Dissonance, Chords, and Harmonies"

426554 You're welcome! Good to have you here! :twilightsheepish:

i like to say thank you for the requests for this nice group

Hello everyone Cojo5536 here, and I want to say, thank you. Thank you for the incredible growth we've experienced over this past month. Thank you, for making us THE top trending group of December 2017. However we won't stop now. Over the next year we hope to grow even more as a group and spread our love for uncommon ships with the Sirens. Now lets get to work.

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