• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Hi I'm Jon I'm from Moncton New Brunswick Canada I'm just starting to get involved in my little pony I'm not sure if I'm a brony but I hope we can be good friends

Comments ( 137 )
  • Viewing 133 - 137 of 137

Thank you very much for the watch, God bless and have an awesome weekend.

If you like stories where the ponies get pets and ear scratches be sure to follow the story I sponsored, Crossing Rainbow Bridges, by David Silver. Lots of ponies will get petted, I promise.
This story includes both ponies on earth and humans in equestria. A CMC adventure on earth is on the agenda but not written yet.

I know there's no connection whatsoever, and that the similarity is a bit of a stretch, but I find it funny how you and this user:destinedjagold have names that are completely different, but still almost rhyme.

Me: “PINKIE!!!!”

Chases the pink pony with a giant pool noodle

"Someone order a cake with extra sticky frosting?!" *Throws triple icing cake onto your home page and runs away cackling* :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 133 - 137 of 137
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