• Member Since 21st Apr, 2017
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Who, me? No-one special really. I like to write. That's it. xD

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MARS: Chapter 10 Update! · 10:02am Oct 18th, 2021

Heyo everypony!

Okay, so surprisingly, I've written almost FIVE AND A HALF THOUSAND words for the next chapter without realising it... :twilightoops:

so before I publish it, please let me know in the comments if I should post it as one, entire chapter, or split it across 2 or three chapters!

You have until next weekend to let me know which you'd prefer, and why. :raritywink: :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 112 )
  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112

Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Act 3 is currently in the works. Be sure to check that out once it's ready! :raritywink:

And thanks for the watch too! :twilightsmile:

For those who follow me, feel free to go check out my Twitch page for when I randomyl decide to tease and share the upcoming chapters to my MLP works! Current progress: M.A.R.S. Chapter 10!

If you're at all interested, you can go check out my FanficGuy page to see if I'm live every now and then (time between streams has extended, but after the school terms, I should be streaming a lot more! :twilightsmile:

you're welcome! :twilightsmile: It was a really enjoyable read and I was able to finish it in just two days!

Thank you so much for adding Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112
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