Say, Brother, Can You Spare a [s]Dime[/s] Kidney · 2:04am Dec 7th, 2018
Hey, it’s me. Y’know, that one guy you had a mildly diverting conversation with three years ago, decided to follow, and promptly forgot about because he never put out any content whatsoever? Yeah, him! Hi! I have rather a personal request and if you want to read it, it’s below the break. If not, that’s cool, just go about your business.
Heck, I thought I’d followed you months ago.
Thanks for the follow.
It’s OK. A lot of people nit picked the spy stuff. I drove myself nuts trying to keep plot holes to a minimum.
No problem, it really is quite good. I’m not really complaining about the story, I just have an unfortunate habit of picking nits.
Heh...’They Live.’ Nice.
Thanks for reading my story, BTW!