• Member Since 19th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Hope you're having a good day c:

Blog Posts

  • 203 weeks
    I got An Idea

    Hello comrades I got an idea for the story and its going to be a fluff one shot. Later details will be added soon c:

    1 comments · 166 views
  • 207 weeks
    First Story

    I am now in my first stage of writing which for myself is the storyboard and idea section, honestly probably the longest part of the writing process for me apart from editing and revision. I hope I will be posting it soon but until then this is the only news.

    Have a good evening, morning, afternoon idk what timezone yall are reading this from.

    0 comments · 165 views

I got An Idea · 3:15am Sep 1st, 2020

Hello comrades I got an idea for the story and its going to be a fluff one shot. Later details will be added soon c:

Report PixelatedPerson · 166 views ·
Comments ( 133 )
  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133

Very much appreciated!!

just popping in to let you know that i've finally updated devils. ik you were pretty excited a few years ago when i mentioned i was working on it

Hello, there :twilightsmile:
This might seem out of the blue, but I was just curious, what’s your stance on Princess Celestia? Do you like her as a character?

Hi, thanks for following :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133
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