Happy Halloween Everyone! · 3:35am Nov 1st, 2023
I hope that you've got some trick or treat visitors cause I didn't because of the damn snow outside.
Enjoy your trick or treat candies, brush your teeth, and have an enjoyable holiday of Halloween stories.
Smell ya later!
Maybe if you read this Digimon Xros Wars manga it will help you for new ideas on that Lucemon story.
The Digimon Xros Wars anime is very different from the manga.
Ah okay I was curious was all.
Yes, I'm using both separate user profile names. I joined on Fimfiction in 2015 long before joining Wattpad.
... I saw the exact same book young headmasters on wattpad so I was wondering if you are the same person on wattpad.
Yes? Who wants to know?