In the past, present, and future of our own time in the histories, there lived universes of worlds away from us. Unlike our world, there are those parallel worlds like Earth that were invaded by unknown beings beyond imagination, tales, and myths. Monsters, bugs, fantasy species, primal dinosaurs, ancient past armies, medieval, forgotten kingdoms, anthropomorphic, corruption, superiors, Union, anime, waifus, husbandos, supernatural, male empires, female empires, racist factions, xenophobic races, tyrants, deities, gods, etcetera, etcetera. Besides all of them, there exists the very dark worlds of Earth that were invaded by not just sentient creatures, but of the magical realm called Equestria or Equus for short. Many of the soiled grounds of Mother Nature plagued by the pony princesses and there loyal subjects. All seeking to turn everyone into new foals for their own twisted sick little games and plans to expand beyond the towns, cities, countries, continents, and other worlds. However, one thing the pony invaders have failed to listen in history classes; Never blindly invade other worlds without causing unforeseen consequences. That's exactly what the foolish invaders will learn the hard way. No matter on what any of the sinful invades do, either to continue following the Harmony Order or not, run or hide, you reap what you sow the moment they have made a bad call that would change them and their homelands forever.

All thanks to the familiar princesses, nobles, and there blinded followers.

There is no going back, for all of Harmony, Order, and Chaos has fallen.

As for the invaders of Equestria across the dark blackening universes. . . . .

"May god have mercy upon your souls."

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