• Member Since 24th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

The good hunter

Strength is not something that is achieved by power, but a choice that must be made.

Comments ( 130 )
  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130

Thanks for following me and taking an interest in Crossing the Trixie Bridge. Updates are published every Friday, between 5 AM and 6 PM Eastern Time (Still trying to iron out my schedule), but only two more chapters remain. However, more works will come in time related to this story, so stay tuned for information on that.

And of course, comments, questions, and critiques are always welcomed. I do my best to answer all of them and look forward to you enjoying the story along with me.

Thank you for the watch, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.

Ayyyy, thanks for the watch.

Thank you for the Watch!


Thank you, my night is as eternal as my hunt for good stories... and well... your story is very good

  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130
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