• Member Since 10th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Urimas Ebonheart

Writer and Spriter.

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Currently · 7:23pm February 28th

Just finished going through AoD and the next chapter is at 660 words and slowly growing.

A bit later than I said but been busy with GFX work and looking after my next door neighbours new kittens while they're out of the house. They are adorable little black and white kitten brothers.

Report Urimas Ebonheart · 202 views · Story: Angel of Darkness ·
Comments ( 240 )
  • Viewing 236 - 240 of 240

hope to see some updates in the future i really like all your stories and hope they all can update in the near future

Yeah... just tired and well, close to 40 years old and just feeling the slow downhill of age creeping up on me. Not much motivation to do anything really.

hope you are doing well

hello urimas ebonheart just thought id say hi and ask how your doing.
Any xmas plans?

  • Viewing 236 - 240 of 240
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