• Member Since 12th Sep, 2022
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you can't take the sky from me!

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  • 91 weeks
    Life Finds a Way Cast List

    This will just be a basic description of characters as they make their appearance. I will put in a horizontal line / page break thing with an indication as to where the character first appears so, as you're reading, you can stop once caught up and not spoil anything, hopefully. If you see "Chapter 20" in here I really recommend you read chapter 20 before looking over that section.

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    5 comments · 4,190 views

Life Finds a Way Cast List · 4:49pm Oct 25th, 2022

This will just be a basic description of characters as they make their appearance. I will put in a horizontal line / page break thing with an indication as to where the character first appears so, as you're reading, you can stop once caught up and not spoil anything, hopefully. If you see "Chapter 20" in here I really recommend you read chapter 20 before looking over that section.

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Report LiveFreeOrDie · 4,190 views · Story: Life Finds a Way ·
Comments ( 14 )
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Congrats on 200 followers! (You deserve more!) :pinkiehappy:

Man I really love this story so far and I hope it even goes towards the main six

I don't make comments much but when I do, I do love the stories many create authors write. I got to say that you make one of the most rare and interesting concepts of writing within Fimfiction. An Anthromorphic people with the technology of that of turn of the 20th Century. With even weirder moments of Gunpowder not being a huge thing.

That's cool, that rare, that's worth reading. Despite the fools that have wrote less than genuine things when you are going through such a rough patch in your life. You've been here and been trying to find a clear path, and like others, I support what you will do. I looked on the last few critiques from a few new posts on your current chapter that will add to the pressure. I will say this, you have all the time in the world, and I will have more than enough patience.

Don't let these long paragraphed "yelp reviews" dampen your mood, and I look forward the future of your stories. You bring inspiration to my work and I don't have much, I like rereading your stories, and I have to say, please don't give up in writing.

An inspired fan on this site and new follower! ~ By the way, YOU'RE AWERSOME

it just now register'd to me ^^ congratulation to breaching 1.000.000 word count on your awesome story :D

Livefree, i would love to see fanart of "Life finds a way" if you ever get any

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