Hey everypony! My name is Avid Season. If you all didn't know I am a connoisseur of many fine quality HIE stories. If I have anything I deem good, or valuable, it's here. I also have some non-HIE here as well. Sometimes I do dabble in the affairs of literature and the like. Although my stories aren't probably that good anyways compared to most of the people here on this site. So like, comment, follow, or do whatever the heck you want! I'm here usually late at night or late in the evening, so you can talk to me at any time.
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"Chrysalis, I've Come To Bargain!" Starlight bargains for Chrysalis' friendship... Starlight bargains for Chrysalis' friendship... Starlight bargains for Chrysalis' friendship... Starlight bargains for Chrysalis' friendship... Starlight bargains for Chrysalis' friendship... by Doctor Disco 1,336 words · 491 · 41
Explorations Yet another Lyra goes to Earth fic; will it be all she expects? (of course not, that would be boring) by tosety 1,103 words · 11 · 7
Who Is This Lord Tirek You Speak Of? A human, after a tragic accident, ends up in the body of Lord Tirek. It all goes downhill from there. by Bucking Nonsense 64,574 words · 3,536 · 158
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Thanks for dabbling out of the HIE and adding Achievement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess to your favorites. I appreciate the time you spent reading it.