• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

little big pony

Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....

My Waifu

Future Stories and Story processes

What is Love? Cadence clopfic. in process

A boy and his Manticore in process

Celestia's OTP needs to get done before brothers birthday

Here be dragons Dragonclop fic? dragon clopfic :pinkiecrazy:

A Chaotic life for us 2nd Eris part, multi ch. Get started before Christmas

The Cuddlier Rises multi ch. of cuddly goodness. Do whenever


Shill central · 12:32am Jan 12th, 2019

Hey, another thing you guys need to look at. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/428029/tacet

Report little big pony · 801 views ·

Why do I write HIE's?

Well, I was always taught to write what you know. I've never been a horse nor have a had a decent enough conversation with one to get inside its head, so I can't write just plain old pony fics....

But I do moonlight as a human every once in a while, so its HIE's until I can get the proper horse transformation paperwork.

Things That I wrote

Comments ( 194 )
  • Viewing 190 - 194 of 194

you gonna fix that busted image embed?

You beautiful thing

Keep writing

"if Celestia is the nation’s mother, then Luna is its bitter aunt who hangs around renaissance fairs and World War II reenactments." -Some Dickhead

best guy, keep loving and powerlifting!

To thy self be true, and who cares what the world thinks?

  • Viewing 190 - 194 of 194
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