• Member Since 21st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2013



need an artist · 4:49am Jun 30th, 2013

1. I need a good cover for my latest fic "Chaotic equilibrium, harmony of the soul" in which I have e new view of HIE with chaotic powers

2. I need a drawing of my oc Raphael in his eight respective forms; Runician, chaos charged Runician, Limbo, chaos charged limbo, psycho, chaos charged psycho, Raphael, and Chaos charged Raphael

3.I need a drawing of his chakrams, think of Axels from kingdom hearts 2, but with a red, black, silver, and light blue color scheme

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Comments ( 92 )
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Thank you for faving Xcom ponies. I hope you continue to enjoy my story as it moves along and please leave a thumbs up. :pinkiehappy:

Also if it is no trouble may i ask what you like best about my story so that i may improve? *grabs a quill*:twilightsmile:

680300 And now it reminds me of my dead dad... I miss him...:fluttercry:

680291 :fluttercry: I miss enjoying them...

  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92
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