This is a group dedicated to any Creator,God,or Deity that happened to wander,awaken and/or intervene in Equestria. It's also dedicated to any human that changes into a spirit and/or monster upon arrival.
This is a group dedicated to any Creator,God,or Deity that happened to wander,awaken and/or intervene in Equestria. It's also dedicated to any human that changes into a spirit and/or monster upon arrival.
Okay, so I need help finding a particular fic I read ages ago that randomly popped into my head and I just cannot find it and I'm not 100% sure I read it here but it was the closest lace I could think of that would have it or know of it. Here's what I can remember.
It's about this guy who's transported to Equestria (naturally) with his sister and he has almost godlike powers (able to shapeshift, crazy strong, the like, 90% sure he turns to Mew at one point), he makes friends with a tribe of diamond dogs and there's like a society of other god-like beings. That's unfortunately all I can remember.
If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. For the life of me, I cannot get the fic out my head.
Thank you and have a good day
Hello, I recently joined because I too have an affection towards gods and monsters. I've added my story to OC's, but I feel like I put it in the wrong folder. If my deities and creatures are not the main characters, do they still have a place in that folder or is there a different one to put them in? I'm also curious on how I could remove my story from a folder.
Olá entrei nesse grupo porque gostei da ideia de deuses de diferentes mitologias em equestria e gostaria de escrever uma história dessas algum dia
Hello. I have joined this group with two reasons:
One, mythology and other subjects involving forgotten tales or advance researched infos on an unknown resource of the ancient past, perhaps more than the spectrums, from my measurable perception of knowledge. That, however, is my kind of game.
Two, I am fascinated with all the stories writers put their efforts into their adaptations of roles. To make it more interesting, OCs personified or displaced as one of the iconic figures to ensue many predicaments.
So to put this charming greeting aside; I offer you my story that either might spark your interest or ignore it at all, in any way you make time for this. You'll find it in the OC's folder. Have a good day!
I ment like this blood marry
doolb yrram?
read my name backwards to understand why im here
I’m in the process of making something with the anime Campione but I don’t think you will like it buddy. my story is kind of like don’t you dare and don’t underestimate me plus I am very bad at making a story so good luck.
Can someone make a campione fic. There is only one
As a history and mythology enthusiast, I can dig this!
if you need an ideas person to help you write your fan fic go to my blog and you’ll see the link to my groups
Do spirits count if they're summoned by a character?
Hi so i startet a story where the main "Hero" is death and he is extremely OP he has the power byond any known god in comparison to equestria i still wait for the approval of my story so if it will be accepted will my story have a place here? only asking i'm new here XD
So, I just started a new story that has a demon warrior as the main character. Would that fit in this group, by chance? I've been skimming through the site looking for any niche that would let my tale fit in. :)
What if this celestial being searched for one of her creations that is incredibly powerful to eventually get to Equestira to intervene in later chapters after a large deal of critically important has past?
I've got a fic that might interest you. However, I'm not 100% sure where to put it.
It means 'no sparkling vampires from the Twilight series'.
First off, i have a fic i do plan on putting in here at one point, just need the right time to get it started.
Second, i'm a bit confused by one of the folders.
Does this mean no Vampire Twilight Sparkle, or no Twilight vampires? It really is confusing.
Yo, does slenderman count as any of these things?
I forgot who is best pony. somebody remind me