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Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue." I am suddenly an anthro changeling that can make as much sense as Pinkie Pie. Also I am as, if not more, powerful than Discord. And I am loving it. by Taken-By-Insanity 15,536 words · 177 · 66
My Little Pony; Kaiju rumble Twilight nearly dies due to her so called friends betrayal. So when she gets saved by the spirits of the three most powerfull Kaiju, what does she do? by Snow ghost pony 3,687 words · 164 · 10
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278 weeksSorry0 comments · 200 views
Sorry for not being active some how my devices forgot my password
363 weeksto mister or miss betsuni1 comments · 322 views
thank you miss or mister betsuni you are a
Angel of Gold Nice guy gets turned into a Celedon and has probably the most powerful vocals in the world. What will he do upon reaching Equestria? (Displaced) by Magna85 64,252 words · 472 · 42
Displaced Frisk and Flowey I used to be 20-something, then I got displaced as Frisk. Now I'm 5, I have a psychopath in my head, and a flower that will sooner kill me than hug me. When did life become so complicated? by black night sun 15,948 words · 162 · 13
no pun intended
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Do you have the time to read this blog and respond please?
because you helped my little brother laugh again
so I sincerely thank you
longaevus amicum
ps: that is latin
your welcome
Thank you for the Watch
I live in my basement of my mansion. plus my job pays well I think 128,179 a monthly? I need to do a rain check on that.