• Member Since 7th Apr, 2017
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Viper Pit

im not the best writer but I'm proud of every story I make some more then others tho Also I would love to do crossover's they are so much fun

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Rarity's coat is actually a light grey.


apologies · 10:41pm Sep 21st, 2021

I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I been struggling with severe writer's block and I can't seem to break free of it. I can get little burst of inspiration here and there but nothing that truley gets me out of the rut. I hate this feeling and it sucks


Report Viper Pit · 221 views ·
Comments ( 445 )
  • Viewing 441 - 445 of 445

Aw...oof...maybe there is a way to boost the popularity of it somehow...either way thanks and have a great day!

i did make the annoucement but only one person replied to it

Do you have any plans to make a MLP hybrid competition anytime soon?

  • Viewing 441 - 445 of 445
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