• Member Since 8th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 9th, 2023


thinking outside of the box is my middle name

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So, Im done with this site. · 2:23am Jan 4th, 2020

I'm fucking leaving. People on this site are rude to people who at least attempt to write, Granted, my writing was shit back in 2016, but I have gotten MUCH better. Besides, I already transferred over to Wattpad, where I have VERY good friends there. who likes to read my work.

If you guys wanna check my work out, my username on Wattpad is Kiibo_The_SHSL_Robot.

I won't be returning to this app. Thank you for the last 4 years.

Report blackblood · 159 views ·
Comments ( 106 )
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I know youll never probably see this but thanks for that rewrite long ago

I’m sorry.....

I am finished with writing mlp fanfiction..... I’ve lost my inspiration for writing it....

I am finding much more success on wattpad for danganronpa fanfiction.

Thank you for all the love over the years....



But hey, thanks for the watch anyway :)

Thank you for favouriting "Wish for a Mother"! You make Brown Sugar very happy! :heart:

  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106
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