"Open your eyes, you inchwyrm, and learn something for once. This is the one your grand-dams
and grand-drakes warned you about. The Evermare. The White Diamond. The Greater Fire.
The Terrible Dawn. The Bane of the Ravager. The Price Best Not Paid. She Who Burns the Furnace.
Sol Equus Invictus. Know her, fear her, and maybe you'll see a few more centuries than you deserve."
Other stories? It's all of them, ya goof To qualify for my Best Author's board, every story you have must be in my favorites!
Unless you have another account
Thank you very much! I don't know what to else to say but that I hope my other stories are enjoyable, too!
Yo! I'm so sorry. I just realized that I hadn't put you up on my Best Author's board even though you totally qualify, and I just fixed that Boom! You've now got a spot on my like, hall of fame. Gratz ^-^ Hope you make some more awesome stuff~
Its really cute and amazing ilove it keep it up hope you continue writing best wishes
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