• Member Since 15th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen March 10th


i never go offline cuz i never press log off lol


Ive been missing and story update · 6:21am Dec 13th, 2021

For a while, I've been missing, gone, disappeared!

I've had covid for the past two weeks! :D I'm still struggling a little but I'm slowly but surely recovering. Right now I'm experiencing intense shortness of breath and morning nausea and an inability to eat much of anything still. but it's getting better. my smell is almost fully recovered and my taste is 100% back. I no longer run fevers which is awesome! it's so great to finally feel good again!

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Report Lazzari · 121 views ·

About me!

HI IM LAZ. I radiate Taiga Aisaka from Toradora. She's a short and feisty stick of dynamite. anyway some Q&A
Name: you'll never get my real name
Age: 20
Sign: ARIES!!!!!!!! IM A RAM
height: I'm tini tiny 4'11
Sexuality/ Orientation: Female, Pansexual, Demisexual
do I swear a lot: yes but I try to keep it at a minimum here.
Who is your hero: My dad
If you could live anywhere where would it be: Alaska
fears: Spiders...
what angers me most: so many things.... so many god damn things
what motivates me to work hard: it sounds kind of selfish but... the admiration and praise of others. it makes me feel really good and not in a cocky way. but makes me feel better about myself.
What's your fav book/ fic: Piercing the Heavens by calm wind and Willow a book by Julia Hobbin what makes me laugh: lots of things. I'm easily amused
2 pet peeves: uh. People who don't let you finish talking in a discussion/ argument and People who chew with their mouth open.

About my OC (herPOV)

Name: Lazzari, My name can have different meanings depending on where you come from. But my father gave me this name from his heritage meaning 'Gift from the gods'
Age: 20 (almost april baby it's coming up)
Race: Pegasus. And Crystal pony
hobbies: Singing and flying.
Special talent: I can sing very well more often than not though i shy away from singing in front of others.
Have a very special somepony?: Yes I do! And he is my absolute world
Mares or stallions: I like em all!!!! 💗💛💙
Any bad habits? : Yes actually, I have a really bad habit of talking way to much. I find myself rambling a lot.
What's your favorite thing to do?: I really love flying. Especially at night.

MLP talks

whos your fav character?: Soarin
who is your favorite of the main 6: Rainbow dash (its always been and will never change ever since i was like 11 and started watching friendship is magic)
Whos your fav wonderbolt: ....Soarin
whos your fav character of the show?: .........Soarin
whos your fav princess: Cadence
whos your fav ship?: Soarindash
Second fave ship?: Fluttercord
fav episode: uh any with soarin in them....

.....yes i'm..... slightly obsessed with Soarin

Latest Stories

OtMaTtF art

(i do not own any bases used)
cover image




Art by the amazing and incredibly talented Foxenawolf Check her out :rainbowdetermined2:
This is me, well My OC. I am a Pansexual and Demisexual, Female, 20 years old, and one feisty stick of dynamite if you make me mad. But don't worry It is VERY hard to genuinely make me mad :twilightsmile:

Art for Racing Hearts KikiRDCZ

Art by KikiRDCZ Full credit goes to her :)
The image appears in Racing Hearts Chapter 5- Photos and Moments

KikiRDCZ Image appears in chapter 11 Home sweet home... Right?


YES, I have a Deviant art I do a lot of pony drawings and a lot of surreal landscapes! I haven't gotten a lot of my art up yet but in time I will! here is some of my stuff!

I also do Photography and Lightroom effects!

Comments ( 84 )
  • Viewing 80 - 84 of 84

(Reads your bio), Neither do I, pal. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for the fave of It's A Wonderful Life :twilightsmile:

Your welcome :twilightsmile:

Your very welcome :)


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