• Member Since 29th May, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Just your not so average changeling who attempts to write stories.

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thanks for the follow :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for Follow Me.

I hope you enjoy Fallout: Equestria - Dead Tree !

Feel free to join me and it's community on Discord ; come bug me if you wish I encourage it.

If you find a grammar or other mistake, mention it in the comments and I will fix it or address it immediately.
Leave a comment on your thoughts and I'll shoot you one back too ;)

I hope you enjoy it enough to leave me an upvote because that is how FiM determines if more people see it (Yes, just like YouTube; Likes are the lifeblood of authors).

Thank you again,

Which one of your stories is your best one?

Merry Christmas Zol! :twilightsmile:

And a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:

Wow, I didn't expect you to actually follow me. XD

Merry Christmas bugpone!

And a happy new year!

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*cough, hack, wheeze* Too much dust. · 11:17pm Jul 16th, 2021

So, Ah, I figure I should make a blog post after... *checks last known date* three years. Dayum. I'm still alive, and if anyone has been reading Calm Wind's Piercing the Heavens, you'd know I was his extra pair of eyes to catch his numerous spelling errors or punctuation gaps.

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