Dear Silver Quill, It's not about ego, it's about the Elements of Harmony. · 10:53pm Dec 2nd, 2015
For a while now, something very obvious has seemed to escape the Brony Analysis Community, and it seems to have come to a head with this latest season finale. Toon Krytic Y2K was salty because Starlight Glimmer wasn't punished, and Silver Quill was a bit put out by the Mane Six being so critical to Equestria. He was annoyed by the ego that Twilight had about her friends being so important. Heck, Twilight didn't even realize why she and her friends were so important. Well the answer may
Is Sour Grapes going to continue?
You're welcome.
Thank you very much for the fave on The Great Thaw.
You're welcome.
Thanks for the fave on "Building A Different Fence"