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Gen 5 Movie · 11:01pm Sep 24th, 2021

So, just watched the new movie and I have to say it wasn't bad. Give it about an 8/10 due to it lacking information on key plot points as well as a couple of unanswered questions. Spoilers after the break.

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Report Fresnor · 280 views · #Gen 5 #spoilers

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Comments ( 94 )
  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94

Thanks for thinking Achievement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess! is OK! I think it is a very accurate take considering what it is. :ajsmug:

Thanks for adding Cards Against the Princesses to your library!

thanks for the fave

The gathered would like to sing the praises and thanks for your favorite of Shattered Souls!

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Gen 5 Movie · 11:01pm Sep 24th, 2021

So, just watched the new movie and I have to say it wasn't bad. Give it about an 8/10 due to it lacking information on key plot points as well as a couple of unanswered questions. Spoilers after the break.

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Report Fresnor · 280 views · #Gen 5 #spoilers

Gen 5 Movie · 11:01pm Sep 24th, 2021

So, just watched the new movie and I have to say it wasn't bad. Give it about an 8/10 due to it lacking information on key plot points as well as a couple of unanswered questions. Spoilers after the break.

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Report Fresnor · 280 views · #Gen 5 #spoilers