• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2020


Someone who needs to write far more than they currently do! x.x


For the below gallery thank you to those artists who have drawn such for me!

Several done by AkuOreo

One done by Dotterall

And of course cover art done by Tulip



Update, apologies. · 2:27pm Mar 4th, 2018

Saw the last update was... well, way too long ago. >.<

Again, I'm really, really sorry for the long delay. I know it's hollow words right now, and I really hate saying them since I haven't anything to show for it, but I have not given up on the stories. Sometimes it does feel like it would be easier to just actually let the poor thing die. ^-^;

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Report Tystarr · 3,131 views ·
Comments ( 260 )
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No idea what's going on with you, but hopefully you're doing good. I'd love to see you come back someday and add more to your incredible stories.

Hope to see you return someday.


If I could, I would genuinely fund your writing so that your amazing writing could continue. It makes me sad that this fandom’s population is decreasing everyday, and I always reserve some time to come back and check up on my favorite writers, just to see if they updated or wrote something new for me to get invested in.

I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, just know that there are a small number of people (like me) who would always be glad to have you back. I know you probably won’t read this message, as you have been offline for over a year, coming on to two in a few months. I commented to hope that one day you might log on, read this, and be happy and know.

Take care :heart:

it just has the date they joined, and just their status. At least for me.

  • Viewing 256 - 260 of 260
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