Rage series · 11:42am Aug 23rd, 2016
So 2 days ago the second installment of the Rage series, Rage Unbound, was released. I just wanted to make this post because I'm beyond happy with how the series is going, and the support I get from you the readers. Just seeing my notifications pop up saying that someone has favourited my story, or added them to a library called "stuff I read the most", "top favs", "ultra badass stories" really brings me joy. I can't express how much I appreciate you guys, and I promise to try and live up to
Haha fuck yeah man it's hilarious, found it like 5 years ago on google when I was fucking around in class with some mates
I'll check out your stories, but I gotta follow because of that profile picture.
here is my pleb tier trash.
2073981 Yeah man it's excellent. Found it a few years ago when I googled "Morgan Freeman pony"
lol your profile pic!
1983492 I may need some help a bit later on, but it's not being written because of school work. In a few weeks I'll have finished my exams so
I'll continue it after that.
if you'd like a hand with the fairy tail story id be happy to help, i hope it gets continued soon .
1876806 Yeah man sorry for the delay, but Year 12 is really strenuous. Lots of work to do and such little time
Hey Bazing are you going to continue the fairy tail story?
1775975 Wut?