• Member Since 19th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 26th, 2015


Just a weird smelly guy who writes stuff


2015 already? · 5:44am Jan 2nd, 2015

Welp its 2015 and I've been dead for the entirety of 2014 [inserts facepalm picture] and yet I eventually come out of my gave just to post a blog here and there and then sod off and die.

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Report XenoJohn · 546 views ·

Where the Madness happens

Stuff that makes me look 'artsy'

Of what goes on in my mind

Comments ( 257 )
  • Viewing 253 - 257 of 257

R.I.P XenoJohn :ajsleepy:

Hey Xeno it is me Nicked just checking to how you are?

Just a weird smelly guy who writes stuff

Ditto :ajsmug:

Comment posted by XenoJohn deleted Sep 24th, 2014
  • Viewing 253 - 257 of 257
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