Badass people who made Badass stories
Pegasus Device In the sequel to Rainbow Factory, can two foals survive the secrets of the Corporation? by AuroraDawn 51,432 words · 1,541 · 89
What Rainbows Are Made Of Several days after having a terrible nightmare, Scootaloo takes her final exam at the Academy... by LinesPrower 7,478 words · 301 · 11
Borderline Dwelve into the mind of the famous Cupcakes killer, Pinkamena Diane Pie by Lucefudu 13,484 words · 646 · 33
My Little Dashie What would you do if you found a Filly Rainbow Dash in a box? by ROBCakeran53 12,524 words · 13,488 · 820
Other badass stories that you must see!
The Monster Below An earth pony seeks to transform himself into an Alicorn, but how far is he willing to go to get what he wants? by Greenback 141,668 words · 1,195 · 43
My Little Dashie: A sequel My take on what happened after Dashie left us in the story My Little Dashie by ROB by ty500600 19,912 words · 1,903 · 99
Loving in the Sunlight, Fighting in the Moonlight Applejack and Rainbow Dash return to Manehattan and revive the Mysterious Mare-do-well. Of course, gangsters won't be the only thing they'll end up fighting... by bahatumay 11,946 words · 152 · 14
Planetderp 2 The Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, and Vanu Sovereignty have chosen Equestria as their new battle ground. by Archivedusername 9,615 words · 178 · 13
Confidence After a night of drinking, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash speculate on two of their absent friends. by NightThinker 4,697 words · 227 · 6
I Would Smile if I Could Slenderpony finds and cares for Scootaloo by Haku1013 10,630 words · 1,462 · 28
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Dead Space: Through the mind of a Necromorph What happens when a necromorph finds a way back to the world of the living? by XenoJohn 11,335 words · 93 · 18
I just wanted to be loved After the events of SCP containment breach all of the SCPs escape and caused total chaos around earth...But when SCP 096 escaped he found himself in a different place in a different world by XenoJohn 3,989 words · 98 · 12
Thanks to all who made my work to even make them recommend for others to read it's been an honor writing these!
R.I.P XenoJohn
Hey Xeno it is me Nicked just checking to how you are?
1411593 thanks