• Member Since 4th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Nothing to see here, move along.

Comments ( 126 )
  • Viewing 122 - 126 of 126

Thank you for Favoriting Skeletor, Master of The Empire.

Thanks for the favourite on Cards Against Starlight!

Hello! I actually planned on reading the two sequels today, since I didn't even know there was a whole series based on EAW. Good stuff!

Hiya! Thanks for the fave on A New Equestria! It's always great to see that people enjoy my work. :twilightsmile:

If you wanna see more of this story, why not read its two sequels? :scootangel:

Thank you for reading my story and adding it to your Favorites. I hope I can continue to entertain you in the future.

  • Viewing 122 - 126 of 126
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