• Member Since 17th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2023


World's Sexiest Fanfic Writer, Self-Proclaimed


I hate to be the bad news bear, but... · 6:34am Dec 5th, 2013

Last Friday Night is Finished

I really, really hate to say it. I had so many more ideas for the story. There was gonna be the jail break, and the Trixie, and all kinds of other good things that I have no motivation to work on. That, and the fact that I haven't updated the story in almost 20 weeks now.

But worry not!

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Report CherryPicker · 755 views · Story: Last Friday Night ·
Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

So, yet another writer's deleted their stories and vanished?

Hey, man! Thanks for the favourite on You have Made Your Bed. I really appreciate it.

Knock knock, Everything alright? How's life going so far? =)

Thanks for following me! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the follow! :twilightsmile: Much Appreciated

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