• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2014


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Going back to school, the Vibes lessen... · 11:53am Aug 11th, 2013

"...Wow.. that was fantastic.. no really.. barely anything all summer? And now your going back to life? Since when did you have a life?"

Look, I'm not excited about either Pyre.. but I have to..

"And what happened to working on your little thing on me? You get bored of me?"

No Pyre.. just had a brain fart stuck.

"Because that makes complete sense... and speaking of senseless noise...""

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Report BludgeonWarrior · 427 views ·
Comments ( 97 )
  • Viewing 93 - 97 of 97

He's still dead.

*sniff* Good night.

You're definitely going going on my specially stalked list :pinkiecrazy:

637776 Don't listen to her!
She always takes a briefcase full of cupcakes with her.
Don't eat them!
They have sugar, love, 20% cooler, flour, milk, eggs, pony flesh, [which makes it taste really good] in them, but the bad thing is that it was made with an unclean
baking tray. [But i even heard that pony flesh is delicious. and the cupcakes are even 45% pony flesh! I should probably ask her how so i can put that in my muffins.]

  • Viewing 93 - 97 of 97
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