• Member Since 8th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 34 minutes ago

Mr. Grimm

Greetings! I come from the farthest reaches of the Internets to share my mediocrity with you all!

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Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40

Hey, since you're the one who started the 'Grogar' group, I feel it should be upgraded a bit, with an icon and a more fitting header. Any chance you'll do it?

By the by, are you still around?
Just want to check in on... Something or the other.
I am still planning on finishing my silly talky-talk of Spooked. What are you up to?
Forgive my drunken fanboyism.

This is the weirdest thing I've ever done and perhaps I regret nothing, but... The group the World of Illogic is dying! Won't you help bring it back?

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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