• Member Since 10th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2019


I’m a feminist woman looking to write stories on a male dominated site. It’s an uphill battle but a satisfying one, only as long as I succeed.

Newest stories

Stories I'm working on

Long Stories
(50% Complete) Ninja Pikachu- Pikachu gets stuck in Equestria.
(0% Complete) Spirits Unbound- A sequel to The Price of Magic

Short Stories
(50% Complete) Nox Clara- A mare tries to change her world.
(25% Complete) Against Her Nature

Stories I have in mind
Heir to the Throne- Twilight meet Celestia and Luna's replacements

Stories on Hold
(25% Complete) Shifting Natures- an AU story about Sunset Shimmer and Trixie.



In terms of writing · 8:36am Feb 4th, 2019

I know that there's a lot of stories I'd mentioned that I'd write in the past. Well, I've kind of moved past those. I hope nobody was looking forward to them. Instead, I want to continue to write other stuff. My mind's a constant flow of story idea and I've pretty much already written something. Now it only needs to be edited. But anyways, I think that I'm going to work on other projects. I will always, try to update Ninja Pikachu whenever possible. I'll try to finish that one, as I already

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Report Raichu · 353 views · Story: Ninja Pikachu ·

Short Little About Me Section

Name: Raichu
Age: 19 or whatever Pokémon years equal to in human age.
Location: Nimbasa City, Unova
Likes: MLP, Pokémon, Video Games, TV shows, movies, writing for fimfiction
Dislikes: Lima Beans, annoying people, mean people and Pokemon
Things I do: Fight Pokémon battles

Runs the Romantic, Soft and Sweet Group.

Comments ( 81 )
  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81

Hey no problem! I liked it a ton!

Thank you for the fave on "Mister Lonely Heart".

Thankie for adding I Hear the Stars to your library. :twilightsmile:

My pleasure. Anything for Soarin's wife~. :trollestia:

  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81
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