• Member Since 20th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2021


Blah, blah, blah. Words and jokes and stuff.

It's Me! Kinda not really. This is CR.

Calls himself CR and when asked he claims it stands for Can't Remember. But his close know him as Comet Racer.

Thanks to Rotorix as I am too much of a wuss to ask for this. And thanks to BumblebeesAndRoses.for making it.

The Box of things you may or may not have wanted to know

I am Raymanguy. I also can be refered to as Ray, The Nigga, Glorified Water Fountion, and Mr. Manguy for various reasons. :moustache:

I really love video games. One of my favorites being the Metal Gear Solid series (as if you couldn't tell be all the surronding pictures. :moustache:)

I end most of my statements and comment with moustaches. Why? Because reasons. And it drives me crazy that you can't see all my moustaches in this box...but you can still read them. :moustache:

I attempt to enterain people with my writing but I think I'm a really bad writer yet I continue to write anyway:moustache:

And lastly, I kinda wanna post a buttload of gifs but I don't think having a few funny moving pictures will do anything to get you to like me. Regular pictures however! Antway, just know that you can always PM me or comment and we can have a chat anytime. :moustache:

Line of Stuff I did...YAY!

Comments ( 1156 )
  • Viewing 1,152 - 1,156 of 1,156

Yeah man. Was a super good story. Unique in how it was written. Keep it up!

Thanks for adding "Just Go..." to your favorites, that really means a lot to me!

I'm glad to hear it. Really glad you are doing ok.

  • Viewing 1,152 - 1,156 of 1,156
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Back? No, I was never really gone. · 5:17pm Sep 13th, 2018

As the title says. What have I been up to? Lots and Lots of Details beyond the break.

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