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- Octavia and Vinyl enjoy a slow day of rest.FrostyVirago715 · 2.3k words · 342 views
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My personal favs
The Trotting Dead The mane six find themselves in a spot of bother when a lethal virus starts spreading across Equestria causing people too flee there homes and live on the road unless they are lucky enough to find somewhere worth fortifying. by PhaseJam 1,111 words
These stories are the things that inspired me to become a writer.
Boop :3
Oh neat! :)
So Kancolle (or Kantai Collection) is a Japanese browser game about WWII warships turned into Anime girls, Like Azur Lane and other moe-anthropomorphism games / shows.
Wow, an interesting but obscure reference; what's it about exactly?
Yeah of course! Good stories deserve to be read and shared. And also the Avi is Hatsuzuki from Kancolle, that CG is from a pike fish event in game so the artist drew her with a fish.