• Member Since 28th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018


time to get off this furry boat

Horse Words.


action is coming · 4:04am Jan 10th, 2018

new story soon

i have seen de wae

Report Shocks · 744 views · #shitposting #memes
Comments ( 225 )
  • Viewing 221 - 225 of 225

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

I believe this author might be dead.

I know not if it is a glitch on my end or some manner of bug in the system, but it appears to me as if a plethora of your stories show the incorrect word count of; 0, even though the chapters themselves appear to have the correct word count.

Godspeed you magnificent bastard

You escaped.

  • Viewing 221 - 225 of 225
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