• Member Since 28th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018


time to get off this furry boat


It's been just over a year since I arrived here, since I left Earth behind. It's been an interesting experience and I even think I might be stronger for it. Certainly more muscled, that's for sure. I've got a good job, I work with the ruler of the entire country, I have an excellent apartment, a nice paycheck, and am respected among my peers. Despite the fact that my roommate is a-

"Awww. Are you writing in your diary again?"

"...Its an officer's log thank you"

Sex Tag for innuendos and flirty thestrals.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )

Do you know how hard it is to find a relevant anthro coverart that isn't NSFW? I just...
Edit: Oh look, safe coverart. There is a god.

preparing to dawn our armor.

Do you mean "don"?

Other than that, looks good. Will keep watch.

6321279 Thanks. Corrected.

An anthro story with Midnight Blossom on it and teasing the hell out of a human hero. Solid gold, man. You get a favorite.

this seems like its going to be alot of fun ^_^

*grins* oh this is going to be wonderful to read on!

not bad, two problems though.
the first is that i came across two typos that i remember. both involve missing i's. one word was night but i cant remember the other and using a tablet to find is to much of a pain in the ass to do it.
second why the hell is his name anon? is this another anonymous story? give the poor twat a name if it is.

but neither are reason to stop reading

Oh God that woman was not just teasing the main. Other than that, good story.

6321480 Thanks.

6321709 6321506 Indeed it will.

6321971 No she was. This was just one of her 'bad' days.

Going to be keeping an eye on this, most anthro is terrible for obvious reasons but I actually kind of liked this. Although HiE being in equestria before/during the show episodes is usually not my cup, I like this approach.
FYI, teasing doesn't really necessitate the sex tag in case you were worried about that.

Pretty good, I totally ship them.:raritywink:

6322120 Oh my god senpai noticed me...

6322157 You may be reading to much into things. This is strictly a business relationship.

6322034 i meant she was fucking with me too. ponies make me feel barely straight and its so weird

At first, I was going to put this on my read later list, but after reading the comments, I thought to myself "now I gotta read this." XD This portrayal of Midnight Blossom is by far the funniest I've seen (and the best I can remember). I look forward to what happens next!

6322385 First Rust and now you, this is getting a tad embarrassing. Maybe I should just stop commenting. :duck:

6322417 How does a clopfic between Handy and Luna sound?

6322422 ...Well alright then, I'll just keep commenting then, don't mind me.

6322385 hah! That's where my secret weapon comes into play, my imagination~

ooh, the things that can happen with a banana, blue berries and whipped cream, mmmmmm, whip is gooooooood.:heart:

Congrats on making featured.

6323350 Well, without the mature setting on anyways. Still a win, I'll take it. Thank you as always Handyman.

6322503 I like the way you think.

So far I am liking this. Not a big fan of the main character's name being Anon, but I guess maybe that'd be the name Celestia gave him to help blend in. I bet his real name's Andrew Onckelheimer. XD

*tilt head*
Not taking God's name in vain...
I am the school of people who believe it means not doing evil in God's name is what the third commmandment meant.

I usually don't have much love for anthro stories not because what it usually contain...More of a I don't like the look of anthro characters. But, this story interested me.

I'm guessing nonny doesn't know about the mare in the moon

Yep I like it, good job.

This is what happens when I try to write Anthro.
Welp. I don't like this story's chances of success.


And that’s just about when I had a shiver run down my spine, the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, my eyes widen, and the spoon I was holding to fall back into my oatmeal. I was…surprised…by the two…fleshy, smooth furred…ahem.
She had her breasts pressed against the back of my head.
God dam-, its one of those days.
There is nothing like blood rushing to a certain part of your body to wake you up better than a cold shower or a screaming banshee.


“Mmm, ya. Pretty well actually. Those new pillows you got are quite comfy” I ignored the fact that I had to buy her new pillows because she had bitten the last few so much the stuffing had begun to fall out of them.
I didn’t even want to know what she was dreaming about.


I stared blankly at my roommate as she continued to chew on the piece of fruit in her mouth, the rest of the very earth related, yellow fruit peeled away and patiently waiting to be eaten in her hand, a bite mark near the top indicated the portion she had just eaten.
“Wha?” She asked me, raising a brow while talking through a mouthful of…


Cool story.I cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::coolphoto:

You should continue this story, it's rather interesting, hope for an update soon... :twilightsmile:

This is a really good story so far, and I can't wit to read more of it. :pinkiehappy:

OH come on where is the next chapter, this story is amazing:pinkiehappy:
So when do you think you will be able to create the next chapter of this story?:rainbowhuh:

Comment posted by megabyte97 deleted Nov 24th, 2015

Hey I like this, different yes, but what the hell I love it to death. You did great here can't wait for more.:twilightsmile:

This was an awesome read, you really outdone yourself :heart:

This is a very interesting story to read keep up a good work update more soon. Question will there be more chapter's for this story soon please update your story soon I'm very :fluttercry: that it has not been updated yet please update soon I'll be very :twilightsmile: k keep up a good work.

when are you going to continue this story

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